I was working a college fair today and there were students asking if we offered a Division 1 Field Hockey team or a Viola Performance Music Degree, so it got me thinking. I didn't go to college for a specific sport or a certain degree; I was undecided - really nice sounding word for lacking no motivation or drive in life and confused as to what she can do well if anything at all. What's my passion? What do I do freakishly well? What makes people say, wow she does that better than anyone I know! And, I got nothing. Michael Phelps has won 8 Gold Medals in one Olympics. What was I meant to Phelp? (I think Michael Phelps is deserving of a verb, he did break 27 different world swimming records. Oh and my cousin just let me know that his middle name is Fred, odd). I read an article somewhere that Phelps is proportioned perfectly for swimming, with his long body and big feet, he's built like a porpoise that can slice through the water. Dominique Moceanu was about 4'10, 80 pounds and perfect for flipping in the air. (I loved the Magnificent Seven! I remember asking for a book about them for Christmas). I'm 5'4, an undisclosed weight, I have a big nose, no butt, and one shoulder higher than the other, what in the hell am I designed to Phelp?! Obviously anything physical is out. Hmm...what about musical talent? Let's see I took violin for 2 years and quit. I took piano for 2 years, and quit. Learned to read music in high school and forgot. Took African Drum and Dance for a semester and Irish Ceili Band for a semester. I quit all of these because I sucked at all of them. So instead of asking what can I do well, maybe I should ask what comes easily to me? Writing. I can write. I enjoy writing. So this is it, my first foray into the writing world for all to see. I just re-read the blog. Yep, Phelped it.