15 August 2014


For me this ice bucket challenge is about my uncle.  He is bravely battling ALS right now.  I want the world to know about this debilitating disease that attacks your neurons and ultimately paralyzes you a little at a time.  It’s a fatal disease for which there is no cure.

For me the ice bucket challenge isn’t about narcissism, or “hashtag activism,” or any other negative term that some article wants to use to drag everybody down. 

It’s as simple as this:

For me the ice bucket challenge is about doing what I can to support the ones I care about. 

If I can have 30 seconds of discomfort to encourage others to donate money that will be used to find a way to eradicate this disease that literally kills everyone it comes in contact with, then I’m going to do it.  And, I’m going to challenge EVERYONE to do it.  And, I’m going to donate.  And, I’m going to blog about it.  And, I’m going to talk about it, and like it, and share it, and be proud of it.

Because, you see, supporting something isn’t just about donating money for it…

It’s about:
                        Running - Charity Miles
                        BBQing - TeamUSO
                        Baking - Soldiers' Angels
                        Listening - Stop Soldier Suicide
                        Comforting - TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors)
                        Photographing - Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
                        Building - Habitat for Humanity
                        Responding - Team Rubicon
                        Crafting - Operation Write Home
                        Mentoring - Big Brothers Big Sisters
                        And yes, even Freezing - ALS Association

Find your verb, and do it for what you want to support.  That’s the real challenge.

Be the change you want to see in the world. - Gandhi